Modern Muslim Baby Girl Names Starting With “A”

modern Muslim baby girl names starting with the letter “A,”Choosing a name for your baby girl is a significant and meaningful decision. Many parents look for names that reflect beauty, strength, and cultural significance. Popular modern Muslim baby girl names starting with the letter “A” such as Amina, Aisha, and Amira not only carry deep meanings but also resonate with a sense of grace and timelessness.

Muslim Baby Girl Names Starting With "T"

Modern Muslim Baby Girl Names Starting With “T”

Here is a list of 300 modern Muslim baby girl names starting with the letter “A,” along with their meanings:
SR NoNameMeaning
1AabidahWorshipper, Devotee
2AafiyaHealthy, Safe
3AaliaHigh, Exalted, Noble
4AaminaPeaceful, Trustworthy
5AaniyahCaring, Compassionate
6AasiyahOne who tends to the weak and comforts them
7AbeerFragrance, Scent
8AblaComplete, Perfect
9AbrarPious, Righteous
10AdabGood manners, Discipline
11AdeelaJust, Fair
12AdilaEqual, Just, Righteous
13AfifaChaste, Pure, Virtuous
14AfrahJoy, Happiness
15AfsanaStory, Tale
16AfshanRadiant, Brilliant
17AhlamDreams, Imagination
18AidaReward, Happiness
19AimanRight-hand side, Lucky
20AishaAlive, Living, Prosperous
21AlaynaPrecious, Little Rock
22AleenaFair, Soft, Silk-like
23AliyaExalted, Noble, High in rank
24AmaraEternal, Immortal
25AmatullahFemale servant of Allah
26AmeeraPrincess, Leader
27AmiraPrincess, Rich
28AnabiaGlowing, Radiant, Delightful
29AnahitaPure, Unpolluted, A Persian goddess
30AnisaFriendly, Companion, Loyal
31ArwaGracefulness, Mountain Goat
32AsmaElevated, Exalted
33AsiyaOne who tends to the weak and comforts them
34AtifaAffectionate, Kindhearted
35AtiyaGift, Present
36AyatMiracle, Sign, Evidence of God
37AydaReturning, Visitor
38AyshaAlive, Living, Prosperous
39AzizaPowerful, Esteemed, Beloved
40AzraVirgin, Pure, Unblemished
41AliaHigh, Sublime, Exalted
42AlishaProtected by God, Noble
43AmnaPeace, Safe, Trustworthy
44ArishaThe one who is full of good intentions, or highness
45ArwaGraceful, Mountain Goat
46AsmaElevated, Lofty
47AnisaFriendly, Companion, Loyal
48AylaMoonlight, Halo
49AnwaarRays of Light, Radiant
50AfdalBest, Most Excellent
51AfrahJoy, Happiness
52AishaAlive, Living, Prosperous
53AfsanBeautiful, Graceful
54AlinaNoble, Fair
55AnjumStars, Celestial bodies
56AfiyaHealthy, Safe
57AshwaNoble, Princess
58AreebaIntelligent, Skilled
59AasraSupport, Relief
60AnharFlow of water, Fountain
61AyatSigns from the Quran
62AzraVirgin, Pure, Unblemished
63AfrahJoy, Happiness
64ArwaGracefulness, Mountain Goat
65AsilahPure, Innocent, Woman of strength
66AlaynaPrecious, Little rock
67AmaniWishes, Aspirations
68AmiraPrincess, Leader
69AnisaFriendly, Companion
70AnisahFriend, Companion
71AyatMiracle, Evidence of God’s greatness
72AmnaPeace, Trustworthy
73AliaExalted, Noble
74AfifaChaste, Pure, Virtuous
75AmirahPrincess, Leader
76AhlamDreams, Imaginations
77AnwarRadiant, Light
78AmaraImmortal, Eternal
79AliyaHigh, Elevated
80AnayatFavor, Grace, Blessing
81AsmarahDark, Beautiful
82AlayahHigh, Elevated
83AmeenahFaithful, Trustworthy
84AzharaRadiance, Flower, Blossom
85AsmaLofty, Elevated
86AyshaAlive, Prosperous
87AzraVirgin, Unblemished
88AimaTrustworthy, Devoted
89AbidaWorshiper, Devotee
90AroosaBride, A woman full of joy
91AamnaPeaceful, Safe
92AkilahIntelligent, Rational
93AlhamraRed, A name used for a beautiful garden
94AmaraEternal, Immortal
95AyanaGift of God, Beautiful
96AfiyaHealthy, Safe
97AkifahOne who is devoted, who aspires
98AmaraImmortal, Eternal
99AzharRadiant, Luminous
100AsmaElevated, Lofty
101AyzaPower, Strength
102AsimahProtector, Defender
103AzmaStrong, Firm
104AzizaEsteemed, Beloved
105AlizaJoyful, Happiness
106AzmaStrong, Mighty
107AziahDawn, Light
108AmrahBlessed, Prosperous
109AshiraWealthy, Prosperous
110AroobaA beautiful girl, Radiant
111AlaynaPrecious, Little rock
112AmeenahFaithful, Trustworthy
113ArfaHigh, Exalted
114AyshaAlive, Prosperous
115AmaanahTrustworthiness, Integrity
116ArwaGracefulness, Mountain Goat
117AreebaIntelligent, Skillful
118AshmitaOne who is pure and clean
119AnaitaGrace, Favor
120AyatMiracle, Sign, Evidence of God
121AtiaGift, Present
122AstaBeautiful, Morning light
123AzlinaCalm, Peaceful, Light
124AmaraImmortal, Eternal
125AlaynaLittle rock, Precious
126AidaHappy, Reward
127AmishaPure, Innocent
128AtifaAffectionate, Kindhearted
129AaryaNoble, Honorable
130AamiraProsperous, Wealthy
131AzimaResolute, Determined
132AmeerahPrincess, Leader
133AlaynaLittle rock, Precious

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Baby Girl Names Starting With “T”

This list continues with a variety of meanings related to nobility, beauty, faith, joy, and kindness. Would you like to see more names or any specific meanings elaborated?