Amzing and Meaningful Muslim Baby Girl Names Starting With L

Here is a table with modern Muslim baby girl names starting with the letter “L”, along with their meanings:

Muslim baby girl names starting with the letter “L” often embody qualities of beauty, grace, and purity. Names like Laila, meaning “night” or “dark beauty,” and Lina, meaning “tender” or “delicate,” are popular for their elegant and gentle connotations. Other names such as Latifa, meaning “kind” or “gentle,” and Lujain, meaning “silver,” reflect traits admired in both culture and religion. These names not only sound beautiful but also carry deep meanings that are cherished in Muslim communities.

Amzing and Meaningful Muslim Baby Girl Names Starting With L

LailaNight; Dark Beauty
LaylaNight; Dark Beauty
LamiaRadiant, shining; Bright
LatifaKind, gentle, delicate
LinaTender, delicate; Palm tree
LubnaA tree of storax; A name signifying beauty and elegance
LamisaSoft to the touch, gentle
LubaA variant of Luba, meaning ‘good and beautiful’
LinaTender, delicate; Palm tree
LalehTulip flower
LinaA palm tree; A tender, delicate woman
LeenaA variant of Laila, meaning ‘tender’ or ‘delicate’
LatifahGentle, kind, friendly
LinaA form of Elina; A name meaning “tender”
LamiyaShining, radiant
LulwaA precious pearl
LinaA name meaning ‘tender’ or ‘delicate’
LamisSoft to touch
LulwaA precious pearl
LenaDelicate, tender
LanaSoft, tender; Calm and gentle
LeenTender, soft, delicate
LayanaGraceful, delicate
LamisahSoft to touch, delicate
LamiaShining, radiant
LaraCheerful, happy
LubnaA tree of storax; A name symbolizing beauty
LazeezaDelicious, sweet
LulwaA precious pearl
LobnaA tree known for its beauty, storax tree
LanaA soft, tender woman
LinaPalm tree
LahiraBright, luminous
LabeebaPure, modest, chaste
LubabThe essence, core, or the best part
LamiaShining, radiant
LanyaSoft, tender, delicate
LiyanaSoftness, tenderness
LinaTender, delicate
LamisSoft and delicate
LaibaAngel, a heavenly being
LayanSoft, gentle, calm
LanaSoft, tender
LumaLight, glow
LubnaStorax tree, symbolizing beauty
LeenTenderness, soft
LabeebaPure, modest
LailaNight; Dark beauty
LiyanaSoftness, tenderness
LamaThe darkness of the eye’s pupil
LanaSoft, gentle, calm
LudmilaPeople’s favor, grace
LinaPalm tree; A delicate woman
LinaSoft, tender
LatifahGentle, kind, friendly
LiyanaSoftness, tenderness
LinaTender, delicate
LalehTulip flower
LanaSoft, tender
LalahA beautiful name, a type of precious pearl
LameesSoft to touch
LubnaA name referring to a beautiful, sweet-smelling tree
LamiyaShining, radiant
LailaNight, dark beauty
LanaSoft, tender
LishaSweet, full of life
LalaFlower, tulip
LamaA camel’s eye, black in color
LinhCalm, peaceful
LamiaRadiant, shining
LiaWeary; delicate
LamarLiquid gold
LaveniaBeauty and elegance
LizaConsecrated to God
LioraLight; my light
LynnaLittle beauty
LiaWeary; delicate
LeilaNight; dark beauty
LunaMoon; light
LonaNoble, honorable
LunaMoon, light
LaiqaPure, spotless, clean
LaziyaSoftness, tenderness
LeenaTender, soft
LishaSweet, full of life
LahlaSweet, pleasant
LubaGood and beautiful
LazeenaSweet and soft
LayinaGraceful, delicate
LahiraShining, radiant
LushiaBeautiful, glowing
LayaA type of flower
LiyanaSoftness, tenderness
LatifahGentle, kind, friendly
LanaSoft, gentle, calm
LiaWeary; delicate
LayaA beautiful name, meaning grace, or flower
LimaA beautiful name with multiple meanings, such as “courageous”
LizaConsecrated to God
LionaA variant of Liana, meaning “my light”
LavanBright, shining
LubinaA rare name meaning ‘pure’
LailanDark beauty
LayanSoftness, tenderness

This list contains a blend of modern and classic names with meanings reflecting beauty, gentleness, and purity, which are important in many Islamic traditions.

See also  Muslim Baby Girl Names Starting With J