Stunning and Meaningful Muslim Baby Girl Names Starting With P

StunningHere is a list of 177 modern Muslim baby girl names starting with the letter “P” along with their meanings:

Stunning and Meaningful Muslim Baby Girl Names Starting With P

1ParsaPure, virtuous.
2ParveenStar, or one who is radiant like the moon.
3ParsaamA pure, virtuous girl.
4ParvanehButterfly; radiant or luminous.
5PaimanPromise, or one who brings peace.
6PahiraA beautiful and pure woman.
7ParsaieA virtuous and noble girl.
8ParishaPure, angelic, or one who brings joy.
9ParidaA fairy, a magical being, or a precious gem.
10PristinePure, clean, or untarnished.
11ParyaA fairy, or an angel.
12ParsaeeA person of good character, pure.
13ParveenA shining star, or one who is radiant.
14PerveenAnother variation of “Parveen,” meaning shining star.
15PurnamaFull moon, or complete light.
16PakeezaPure, or one who is virtuous and noble.
17PakeezahPure and clean, someone who is innocent.
18PeshaanGraceful, or a name related to a good omen.
19PeghamMessage, or a messenger.
20ParsaazA virtuous and good girl.
21PalwashaBright, glowing, or radiant.
22ParsaishaA pure, beautiful girl.
23ParinaazA beautiful, angelic girl.
24ParvinaA star-like person, or one who shines.
25PishpaFirst among all, one who leads.
26ParveenahA star, or one who is radiant like the moon.
27ParsaadA virtuous or noble girl.
28ParhanahPure and noble, or a good-hearted girl.
29PashaNoble, a woman of high rank.
30ParwazFlight, or one who rises above.
31ParishaPure and radiant, or someone who shines.
32PavitriPure, or one who is sacred.
33PariA fairy, or an angel.
34PishanA prosperous girl, or one who brings success.
35PalwashaRadiant or glowing, like a light.
36ParsaA virtuous girl, pure in character.
37ParsaiahOne who is pure and virtuous.
38ParsaeA pure soul, virtuous in nature.
39ParmanA daughter who is virtuous.
40PatiaA daughter who is pure and graceful.
41ParsaeePure, virtuous, or noble.
42PiroozahVictorious, or one who brings success.
43ParyaA name meaning fairy or light.
44PalwashaGlowing, radiant, or illuminated.
45ParvanehButterfly, or one who is radiant.
46ParsaamVirtuous, pure, or someone with noble character.
47PeshawarOne who is capable or strong.
48ParsaashaA girl with a noble and virtuous heart.
49PaariA fairy, angel, or celestial being.
50ParnianA girl with a shining or radiant personality.
51PurnamaFull moon, a girl as bright as the moon.
52ParsaPure, virtuous, or noble.
53ParastooA star, or one who is radiant like the moon.
54ParsaA good-hearted, virtuous girl.
55ParvenahA shining star, full of light and grace.
56PrithviEarth, or one who is grounded and stable.
57PaimanaA promise, or one who is loyal and trustworthy.
58PooryaPure and virtuous, or one who is radiant.
59PurniComplete, full, or complete in light.
60PoupakA Kind Of Bird
61ParvazA flight or journey towards success.
62PonnagaiGolden Smile
63PaheliA mystery or a puzzle, a girl full of mystery.
64ParsaashaA girl with a noble character.
65ParsaPure, virtuous, or noble.
66ParimalaA fragrance, a sweet-smelling girl.
67ParveenRadiant, shining star.
68PatiencePatience, a virtue; one who has great endurance.
69ParsaieA virtuous, pure girl.
70PadmavatiOne who has the qualities of a lotus.
71PanaishaHappiness, or a cheerful girl.
72ParsaazA pure-hearted girl.
73PaavaniPure, sacred.
74PishanProsperous, one who brings success.
75PiyushaNectar, or one who is sweet and full of love.
76ParsaPure, virtuous, or good.
77ParveenahStar-like, radiant, or shining.
78PateeshaNoble or honored, one who brings grace.
79ParnikaA small leaf, a gentle and nurturing girl.
80PreetiLove, affection, or one who is kind.
81ParijatDivine flower, or a heavenly fragrance.
82PritiLove, affection, or a loving and caring girl.
83ParzanehA beautiful, graceful girl.
84ParshvaThe side or direction, one who leads.
85PadmajaBorn of a lotus, beautiful and pure.
86PonMalarGolden Flower
87PariA fairy, angel, or celestial being.
88ParwazFlight, or one who rises high.
89PeshawarA girl who is capable and strong.
90PrachiEast, or one who is bright and shines.
91PreetiLove, or affection.
92ParulA girl who is pure and graceful.
93ParnikaA little leaf, or one who is delicate.
94PoonamThe full moon, or a girl who is full of light.
95PadminiGoddess Lakshmi, or one who is like a lotus.
96PuranikaAncient, or one who is wise and knowledgeable.
97PurnimaFull moon, one who is complete.
98PatralikaMessenger, or a girl who brings news.
99PallaviNew leaves, or a blossom.
100PankhuriPetal, a small part of a flower.
101PreetikaAffectionate, one who is loved.
102ParnaviThe Goddess Parvati, or one who is sacred.
103PrachitiIllumination, or a girl who brings light.
104PranjaliHonest, or one who is upright and sincere.
105PurniComplete, or whole.
106PritikaLove, one who is full of affection.
107PashminaSoft wool, or a girl who is gentle and warm.
108PanshulA girl who is radiant and graceful.
109PrajnaWisdom, or a girl with intellect.
110PranaviGoddess Parvati, or one who is devoted.
111PramilaA precious girl, one who is valued.
112PadmajaLotus-born, or one who is a symbol of purity.
113PavanikaSacred, holy, or a pure soul.
114PavitraPure, sacred, or one who is clean.
115ParnaLeaf, or a small part of a flower.
116PriyaBeloved, or dear.
117PritiAffection, love, or one who is loved.
118PayalAnklet, or a girl who is delicate and graceful.
119ParoA girl who is a bird or a fluttering butterfly.
120PadmavathiOne who is blessed with the qualities of the lotus.
121PurnavatiFull of life, or a complete and perfect girl.
122PrishaGod’s gift, or a girl who is beloved by God.
123PrachandaA forceful or powerful girl.
124PoornimaFull moon, a girl who is bright and full of light.
125PoonamFull moon, a girl who brings light into life.
126PushtiProsperity, or one who is nurtured and healthy.
127PoojaPrayer, or a girl who is devoted to God.
128PatralikaOne who delivers a message, messenger.
129ParashmaniA precious gem, or one who shines bright.
130PritikaLove, affection, or one who is cherished.
131PratikshaWaited for, or one who is awaited.
132PoonamFull moon, a girl who brings peace and serenity.
133PournimaFull moon, one who is a symbol of brightness.
134PrachiEast, or one who is bright.
135PreetikaLoved, or one who brings affection.
136PadminiGoddess Lakshmi, or one who is like a lotus.
137PurniComplete, full, or one who is blessed.
138ParvinStar, one who shines bright in the sky.
139PanshulRadiant, or one who shines brightly.
140PurnimaFull moon, complete, perfect.
141PoonamFull moon, or a girl with pure light.
142PrachiBright, east, a girl who brings light.
143PritiLove, one who is full of affection.
144PayalAnklet, or a girl with a graceful presence.
145PoonamFull moon, symbolizing brightness and beauty.
146PadminiGoddess Lakshmi, or someone who is pure.
147PavitraPure, sacred, or one who brings cleanliness.
148PashminaSoft wool, delicate, or a girl with a warm heart.
149ParnaLeaf, symbolic of beauty and grace.
150PriyaBeloved, or dear.
151PritiAffectionate, or one who is loved.
152PreetiLove, affection, or one who is loved by all.
153PashminaSoft wool, or one who is gentle and refined.
154PrajnaWisdom, intellect, or one who has knowledge.
155PranaviGoddess Parvati, or one who is holy.
156PadmavatiBlessed with the qualities of the lotus.
157PavitraSacred, pure, or holy.
158PoonamFull moon, or a girl who is pure like the moon.
159PurnimaFull moon, a girl who is complete and perfect.
160PanshulRadiance, or a girl who glows with beauty.
161ParulGraceful, or one who is pure and elegant.
162PriyaBeloved, dear, or one who is loved.
163PritiAffection, or one who brings warmth and love.
164PadmajaBorn of the lotus, symbolizing purity.
165ParvatiGoddess Parvati, or one who is adored by all.
166PatralikaMessenger, one who brings news.
167ParnaviA sacred girl, or one who is blessed.
168PreetiAffectionate, beloved.
169PranaviGoddess Parvati, or one who is spiritual.
170ParashmaniA precious gem, or one who shines.
171PatralikaMessenger, one who delivers important messages.
172PritiAffectionate, one who is loved by all.
173PurnavatiA girl who is complete and full of light.
174ParwatiGoddess Parvati, or one who is adorned with beauty.
175PremaLove, affection, or a girl with great love.
176ParnikaA small leaf, or a gentle, nurturing girl.
177PoonamFull moon, or a girl

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Muslim Baby Girl Names Starting With P