Pretty And Meaningful Muslim Baby Girl Names Starting With W

This list covers a wide range of beautiful and meaningful names starting with the letter “W,” reflecting various positive qualities such as strength, beauty, wisdom, and loyalty.

Pretty And Meaningful Muslim Baby Girl Names Starting With W

1WafaLoyalty, faithfulness
2WardaRose, a flower
3WajihahDistinguished, eminent
4WardaanaA beautiful rose
5WaliyahGuardian, protector, friend
6WazirahMinister, counselor, advisor
7WahidaUnique, singular, one of a kind
8WajihaEminent, distinguished
9WardaanaA beautiful rose
10WasimahGraceful, beautiful
11WaznaIntelligent, clever
12WafaaLoyalty, faithfulness
13WijdanFeeling, conscience
14WafiqaSuccessful, prosperous
15WafiyyaTrue, loyal, sincere
16WaliyahGuardian, protector, supporter
17WasimahGraceful, beautiful
18WardaanaA beautiful rose
19WahaWind, breeze
20WamaLight, bright, radiant
21WafiraSuccessful, prosperous
22WajdaFinding, discovery, success
23WardaRose, flower
24WafayaLoyal, faithful, trustworthy
25WahibaGift, donation, one who is generous
26WafiraSuccessful, prosperous
27WardaRose, a symbol of beauty
28WaheedaUnique, singular
29WathilaConductor, one who connects
30WafiyaHonest, faithful
31WahidaUnique, singular
32WazifaA noble task, or someone with a noble profession
33WarishaQueen, princess
34WaznaIntelligent, wise
35WadiyaA river or stream
36WardaRose, flower
37WasilahConnection, means, a mediator
38WasaGrace, kindness, a female friend
39WafiyaLoyal, sincere
40WaliyyahProtector, guardian, helper
41WahidaOne of a kind, unique
42WafaLoyalty, faithfulness
43WaliyaA name of the Quran meaning protector, helper
44WazeefaA task, or a noble work
45WafiyehSincere, true, faithful
46WarihahBright, luminous
47WajihaEminent, distinguished
48WahibaGift, generous, benefactor
49WaliyahGuardian, protector
50WardaRose, a flower
51WameemahA symbol of great joy and celebration
52WavinaGraceful, pure, and light
53WahbaGift, present
54WarshaRain, a season, a blessing
55WaniaGrace, pure beauty
56WafaahLoyalty, trustworthiness
57WajdahEcstasy, bliss, feeling of happiness
58WaqiyaProtector, one who guards
59WaliyyaProtector, guardian
60WathraWealth, prosperous
61WaraPiety, righteousness
62WardaRose, a symbol of love
63WafsaPeaceful, calm, tranquil
64WaseelaMeans, connection, or pathway
65WafaFaithfulness, loyalty
66WahiraGlowing, luminous
67WidadLove, friendship
68WaqiyahProtector, one who guards
69WaliyaA guardian, one who is always supportive
70WarishaPrincess, queen
71WardaA beautiful flower
72WahidaUnique, singular
73WihdaOneness, unity
74WasimahGraceful, beautiful
75WadiaPeaceful, calm
76WafiyeFaithful, loyal
77WardaRose, a flower
78WajibaMandatory, or the one who is to be followed
79WahidaUnique, matchless
80WardaRose, a symbol of beauty and love
81WazinaWeighty, heavy, significant
82WaliyahHelper, supporter
83WaniyahBeautiful, graceful
84WihdaUnity, oneness
85WardaRose, a flower
86WaznaWisdom, intelligent
87WadiaPeace, calmness
88WafiyaLoyal, faithful
89WardaRose, a symbol of elegance
90WajihaEminent, outstanding
91WardaRose, flower
92WazimaRespected, virtuous
93WahibaA gift, or the one who is generous
94WameemahA joyful and celebratory symbol
95WaziraMinister, advisor
96WaliyaA protector, a guardian
97WarishaQueen, a leader
98WaznaA name symbolizing wisdom and intellect
99WaliyahGuardian, protector
100WardaA rose, a flower
101WafiFaithful, trustworthy
102WalaProtection, support
103WafiyaHonest, true, loyal
104WahidaUnique, one of a kind
105WaziraMinister, counselor, advisor
106WilaLove, bond
107WailahA woman who is the cause of happiness
108WaseehaA name symbolizing beauty and charm
109WarizahA prosperous, successful person
110WafirahProsperous, successful
111WadhwaLight, brilliance
112WazifahA noble task or work
113WahbiGifted, generous
114WafaanaLoyal, devoted and sincere
115WaliyaProtector, guardian
116WaziaMinister, helper
117WasimaGraceful, elegant
118WadhaBright, illuminated
119WardaanaA beautiful rose, symbolizing elegance
120WiyahJoy, happiness
121WaafiLoyal, true-hearted
122WafeehaLoyal, faithful
123WaniyaGraceful and beautiful
124WihdatUnity, oneness
125WarishaA blessed one, princess
126WaliyahGuardian, protector
127WahihaRadiant, luminous
128WadhaRadiance, light
129WahiyahGift, gift from God
130WaleedahA newborn child
131WameenahPeaceful, calm
132WazeefaA person with a task, noble work
133WafaahLoyalty, trustworthiness
134WabilahIntact, pure
135WardaSymbol of beauty, flower
136WadhaBright, shining
137WaliyyahProtector, guardian
138WathirahA prosperous, rich woman
139WaliyyahProtector, a person who takes care of others
140WisaRadiance, bright
141WardaA beautiful rose
142WaliyaProtector, a helper
143WafaLoyalty, trustworthiness
144WadhwaLight, glow
145WardaanaA blooming rose
146WahidahUnique, unparalleled
147WasiyahA reminder or legacy
148WarshaRain, blessing
149WadiyahRiver, stream
150WafaanaSincere, loyal
151WahiGift, God’s blessing
152WasiyaGuardian, one who looks after others
153WafaanaFaithful and loyal
154WafaLoyalty, devotion
155WaziraA powerful minister, or counselor
156WarisahInheritor, one who inherits wealth and peace
157WadiaPeaceful, calm
158WazihahClear, transparent
159WahilCalm, serene
160WasilaA means of connection, pathway
161WalaLove, passion
162WaniyaGrace, joy
163WaseemahElegant, graceful
164WanihaGrace, charming, beautiful
165WaznaWeight, intelligence
166WahbaGift, bestowal
167WafiqaSuccessful, prosperous
168WaseelaIntermediary, one who connects
169WidadLove, affection
170WaliyyahSupporter, protector
171WahibaA gift, a donation
172WadiyahA stream, river
173WavinaPure, innocent
174WaneesaBeautiful, graceful
175WalihaStrong, powerful
176WasilaConnection, a link or bridge
177WahbaGift, bestowed, blessing
178WardaFlower, rose
179WaliyaOne who guards, protects
180WafiyaFaithful, loyal
181WahidaUnique, one of a kind
182WadhiaRadiance, light
183WajidahA unique and remarkable woman
184WistariaAn elegant flower
185WadhiaLight, brightness
186WahibaA generous gift
187WardaRose, beauty
188WamikaSacred, one with a pure soul
189WidaaLove, friendship
190WijdanFeeling, conscience
191WaliyyahProtector, helper
192WiamHarmony, balance
193WidiyaKnowledgeable, wise
194WarshaRain, blessing
195WadaPeace, calm
196WazinaSignificance, weight
197WaliyaProtector, a guardian
198WafaanaLoyalty, trust
199WameemaOne who brings happiness and joy
200WisaRadiance, bright
201WahiraGlowing, shining
202WihdaUnity, togetherness
203WaznaWise, intelligent
204WaliyahGuardian, protector
205WafaLoyal, faithful
206WafaanaDevoted and faithful
207WadiyahA river, stream
208WameenahPeaceful, calm
209WafiaFaithful, loyal
210WiliyaProtector, guardian
211WahimaA person with high rank, noble
212WidadLove, affection
213WaniyaGrace, beauty, charming
214WafeenaLoyal, devoted
215WaqiyahGuarded, one who is protected
216WaseelaMediator, one who bridges
217WidaaFriend, companion
218WahdaUnity, one who brings people together
219WasiyaGuardian, protector
220WazinaHeavy, weighty
221WarishaQueen, ruler, a strong woman
222WaziraA counselor or helper
223WafaahFaithfulness, loyalty
224WadiyaRiver, stream
225WihdaUnity, a harmonious spirit
226WahiraLuminous, shining
227WafaaLoyalty, truth
228WazifaNoble task, noble work
229WafaLoyalty, steadfastness
230WarishaA queen, a princess
231WardaRose, symbol of beauty
232WiyanaThe fortunate, the one who brings good fortune
233WabisaA woman who is well-liked or appreciated
234WahiyaGift, blessing
235WahiyaA beautiful and radiant woman
236WadaPeace, tranquility
237WafiyaLoyal, trustworthy
238WaznaWise, intelligent
239WahibaA giver, a gift
240WijaA form of wisdom, intelligence
241WahilaGlowing, radiant
242WazifaA noble work, one with a duty
243WidaaFriendship, the one who brings joy
244WahiraBright, glowing, radiant
245WaliyaProtector, supporter
246WarishaStrong, a leader or ruler
247WahibaGift, a donation from the divine
248WadhaBrightness, radiance
249WajdaJoy, delight
250WatiyahStrong, powerful
251WilaLove, bond
252WafaanaTrue, loyal, trustworthy
253WahidahSingular, one of a kind
254WazimaRespected, noble
255WafaahLoyalty, trustworthiness
256WanjiahVictorious, successful
257WihanaBlessed, fortunate
258WarisahSuccessor, heir
259WadiyahPeaceful, calm
260WardaBeautiful rose
261WadiaPeaceful and calm
262WafiqSuccessful, prosperous
263WameenaA peaceful and tranquil person
264WavinaPurity, light, and innocence
265WarshaRain, blessing
266WaniyaGraceful, elegant
267WazinaWise, intelligent
268WadiyaStream, river
269WajaJoyful, happy
270WaliyaProtector, guardian
271WahiraGlowing, luminous
272WafiyaLoyal, true-hearted
273WarishaA strong leader, queen
274WazeefaTask, noble job
275WazinaWealthy, wise
276WahbaA gift, a donation
277WahidahUnique, singular
278WadahRadiance, light
279WamikaSacred, pure
280WaziraMinister, counselor
281WahinaBlessed, fortunate
282WaleedaBorn in happiness, joyful
283WalahLove, devotion
284WarishaLeader, princess
285WafaFaithfulness, loyalty
286WaliaGuardian, protector
287WihdaUnity, one-ness
288WilaBond, connection
289WahidaOne who is unique
290WadiyahPeaceful, calm
291WafaLoyalty, truthfulness
292WafyaFaithful, loyal
293WarisahSuccessor, inheritor
294WanaGrace, beauty
295WahidahOne of a kind, unique
296WafiyaHonest, faithful
297WazaIntelligent, wise
298WasiyaGuardian, protector
299WaraPiety, righteousness
300WamiyaSoft, gentle, calm

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Muslim Baby Girl Names Starting With W