Adorable And Meaningful Muslim Baby Girl Names Starting With Z

Muslim Baby Girl Names Starting With Z Here’s a table of modern Muslim baby girl names starting with the letter Z, along with their meanings:

1ZahiraShining, radiant
2ZainabFather’s precious jewel
3ZaynaBeauty, grace
4ZamiraThoughtful, diligent
5ZakiyaPure, intelligent, smart
6ZohraBlossom, bright, radiant
7ZubaidaElite, superior, noble
8ZaynaBeautiful, radiant
9ZainBeauty, grace
10ZarrinGolden, made of gold
11ZeenatBeauty, adornment
12ZahratFlower, blooming, radiant
13ZubairahHonest, trustworthy
14ZaaraA princess, blossoming
15ZawiyaAngle, position
16ZafirahVictorious, successful
17ZeenahBeautiful, a name of the Prophet’s daughter
18ZaynahBeautiful, graceful
19ZaynaabA woman who is lovely and graceful
20ZahraRadiant, bright, flower
21ZaffiraSuccessful, victorious
22ZamzamSacred well in Mecca
23ZaybaBeautiful, good looking
24ZainabFather’s precious jewel
25ZubairahHonest, trustworthy
26ZaynahBeautiful, graceful
27ZawiahClose to the right, a direction
28ZahiraShining, radiant
29ZanaPrincess, fair, beautiful
30ZakiyaIntelligent, smart, pure
31ZiyadGrowth, increase, abundance
32ZaidaGrowth, abundant, prosperous
33ZaynaBeauty, grace
34ZafirahVictorious, successful
35ZaynabFathers jewel
36ZaharBlossom, radiant flower
37ZamaPeaceful, calm
38ZuleikaBrilliant, brilliant beauty
39ZayraFlower, blossom
40ZuraPrincess, beauty
41ZaydahGrowth, abundance
42ZinaGreatness, love, beauty
43ZafiraVictorious, successful
44ZamilaPeaceful, calm
45ZeenathBeauty, elegance
46ZailaA place, strong, a woman with dignity
47ZarifaProsperous, well-off, successful
48ZainubFather’s precious jewel
49ZaharahShining, brilliant, radiant
50ZaimaLeader, commander
51ZuwenaShining, dazzling, bright
52ZariyahGolden, radiant beauty
53ZaynalBeautiful, light
54ZainalGraceful, beautiful
55ZabrinaFamous, bright, radiant
56ZayaniEver bright, brilliant
57ZamaraBlossom, flourishing
58ZardaBlossom, flower
59ZaynabFather’s precious jewel
60ZuleikhaBrilliant, beautiful, shining
61ZariGolden, precious
62ZiyaLight, radiance
63ZariyahBeautiful, golden, radiant
64ZaynabFragrance, flower, beautiful
65ZainiyaRadiant, beautiful, shining
66ZarinaGolden, prosperous
67ZamiraThoughtful, diligent
68ZayidaProsperous, one who brings growth
69ZuriBeautiful, fair, lovely
70ZuzanaLily flower, graceful, beautiful
71ZaynabBeautiful, father’s precious jewel
72ZarahBlossom, radiant
73ZikraRemembrance, a name for those who are aware of God
74ZunaLight, bright, shining
75ZikrahRemembrance, a pious woman
76ZeraSeed, growth, life
77ZadeaProsperous, bringing growth
78ZahidahPious, devout, ascetic
79ZalmayA flower or tree that blooms
80ZauyahA direction, close to the right
81ZaynabFather’s precious jewel
82ZennahRadiant, blooming, bright
83ZikrahRemembrance, a pious person
84ZafreenVictorious, winner, successful
85ZainahBeautiful, adorned, graceful
86ZubairBright, shining, brilliant
87ZanaeFair and graceful
88ZannatHeaven, paradise
89ZulekhaBrilliant, radiant, one with good character
90ZairaPrincess, flower, radiant
91ZulaikaBrilliant, shining, beautiful
92ZayanaBeautiful, graceful, elegant
93ZainabA woman of beautiful, good character
94ZulihaBeautiful, glowing, elegant
95ZiniaBeautiful, radiant, like a flower
96ZadiaProsperous, bringing growth
97ZabrinaBright, brilliant
98ZarnishIntelligent, perceptive
99ZaynahBeautiful, radiant, gentle
100ZulemaPeace, calm, serene
101ZakiyaIntelligent, clean, pure
102ZohraBrilliant, radiant, bright
103ZubariaBright, shining, prosperous
104ZaibaBrilliant, radiant, shining
105ZanaBeautiful, graceful
106ZeenahBeauty, glow, adornment
107ZayraPrincess, radiant
108ZahinaBeautiful, flower
109ZaydahGrowth, prosperous
110ZeinaBeautiful, graceful
111ZaybahGraceful, fair beauty
112ZaynaBeautiful, graceful
113ZeynaBeautiful, radiant, princess
114ZaynaabFather’s precious jewel
115ZaarahA woman of dignity
116ZainaBeauty, grace, a princess
117ZarekahBright, shining, precious
118ZolaykhaBrilliant, radiant
119ZarifahProsperous, successful
120ZareenGolden, precious
121ZafirahVictorious, successful
122ZuwenaShining, dazzling, brilliant
123ZareefaProsperous, successful
124ZaynahBeautiful, graceful
125ZuberaA woman of purity
126ZaydaProsperous, growth
127ZubiraHonest, trustworthy
128ZahirahRadiant, shining
129ZureenBrilliant, bright
130ZahiraShining, radiant
131ZiyadGrowth, increase
132ZardaBlossom, flower
133ZabeenFlower, radiant, glowing
134ZayraBlossom, princess
135ZamaPeaceful, calm
136ZarinaGolden, prosperous
137ZawiyaAngle, a position, direction
138ZoraDawn, light
139ZadriaGolden, precious
140ZalaUnique, beautiful
141ZoyaAlive, living, life
142ZaynaBeautiful, graceful
143ZainabFather’s precious jewel
144ZuleikaBrilliant, shining
145ZiyaLight, radiance
146ZainahGraceful, beautiful, adorned
147ZaryaFlower, blooming
148ZulemaPeace, calm, serene
149ZubaidaSuperior, elite
150ZareeLight, bright

This list continues up to 300 names, but if you need more, I can add the rest in a further message.

See also  Kannada Baby Girl Names Starting A to Z