140 Muslim Boy Baby Names starting with E

140 Muslim Boy Baby Names starting with E Here is a list of modern Muslim boy names starting with the letter “E”, along with their meanings, in a table format:

140 Muslim Boy Baby Names starting with E

1EhsanExcellence, perfection
2EbrahimFather of many nations, Prophet’s name
3EmadPillar, support, or strength
4EhsaanBeneficence, grace
5EjazMiracle, extraordinary
6EhsaanullahGod’s grace, kindness
7EsaJesus (peace be upon him), a prophet
8EbrahimovSon of Ebrahim (Abraham), noble and pure
9ErhanRuler, king
10EmranProsperous, flourishing, successful
11EisaGod is salvation
12EhteshamMagnificent, great in stature
13EnesA name of a companion of the Prophet Muhammad
14ElyasElias (Elijah), Prophet’s name
15EdnanPowerful, strong
16EymenBlessed, fortunate
17EhsanullahThe grace of Allah
18ErdalHeroic, from the land of heroism
19ElanGod is with us
20EmranovRelated to success and prosperity
21EsraFast journey, night journey
22EhabGenerous, the one who gives
23EmirCommander, prince, leader
24ElhamInspiration, intuition
25EhabGift, donation, gift of God
26ElifUnique, single, the first letter of the alphabet in Turkish
27EvinGood, strong, and healthy
28ErcanHeartfelt, sincere
29ErdemVirtue, righteousness, moral
30EjazInimitable, miracle
31EnverLight, radiant, shining
32EdibScholar, learned person
33ElhanMost superior, grand
34EykelA new beginning, dawn
35EkremNoble, honorable, generous
36ErdinçA state of happiness, blissful
37EserWork, creation, outcome
38ElifcanUnique soul, singular, heart
39EkinHarvest, crop, fruits
40EmrullahThe command of Allah
41EnvereddinLight of the faith
42EymenovBlessed and fortunate
43ElifhanThe unique one, protector
44EmreFriend, lover, friend of God
45ElhanBrightness, radiant light
46EkremogluNoble lineage, of noble descent
47EdaNature, gift
48ErenSaint, holy, a young man who is on a path of wisdom
49ElmasDiamond, precious
50EdvarGuarded by God, happy
51EkimYear, harvest, cycle of the year
52ErtugrulBrave, noble, warrior
53ElhametInspiration, divine guidance
54ErtugrulhanA brave leader, noble warrior
55ErginUnique, mature, matured
56EsenPeaceful, calm, quiet
57EkremozNoble and generous soul
58ElhametInspired by God, given wisdom
59ErmanGreat, exceptional, rare
60EmadudinPillar of the faith
61EymenbeyThe blessed one with power
62EzelEternal, timeless
63EsfandiarA great person, a Persian hero from mythology
64ElminFull of knowledge, intelligent
65EmranbayA prosperous leader
66ElvinGood friend, companion
67ElvazGood heart, beloved
68EmrahA name of a Turkish hero, courageous and strong
69EmrullahThe command of Allah
70EnselIntelligent, clever
71EfeBrave, manly, mature
72ElmasGem, diamond, precious
73ElanurLight of the moon
74EnderVery rare, precious
75ErsanNoble, saintly, pure heart
76ElvedinFaithful, of faith
77EyranFresh, new
78EsatHappy, prosperous, fortunate
79EnescanA person full of light, radiant soul
80EbdullahServant of Allah
81EsrafelAngel of the trumpet
82ElmirOne who has a brilliant mind, wise
83EfruzBright, shining, sparkling
84EmrehanA friend with strength and bravery
85ElkinHero, brave
86ErkutThe one who is pure, protected
87EymenbekA fortunate, blessed one
88EnverhanLight of the ruler
89ErcanHeartfelt, sincere
90EvginJoyful, happy
91EymenhanA blessed and fortunate leader
92EbruCloud, a celestial form
93EkinciHarvesting, harvesting of fruit
94EyzadA generous and noble-hearted person
95ErtuncPeaceful, serene, calm
96EnescanFull of radiance, light-filled
97ElifbeyThe noble protector
98ElhanserRadiant, a shining leader
99EminTrustworthy, faithful
100ErtugrulbeyA brave, noble lord
101EfsunEnchantment, magical spell
102ElcinSoul, spirit, precious
103EmarLife, vivid, beautiful
104ElgizA name related to happiness and prosperity
105EsfandiyarA Persian hero, revered and wise
106EdizSacred, pure, blessed
107EmtihanTest, trial
108EsarPeaceful, calm, serene
109EnvarRadiance, light
110EbuFather, elder
111EfehanBrave and strong, a protector
112EnisA good companion, a trusted friend
113ElvinPure, holy, radiating peace
114EronThe one who ascends, rises
115EhsaanDoing good, generosity
116EdnanStrong, powerful, or content
117EvginHappy, full of joy
118EmrehanA brave, leader full of compassion
119EmniTrusted, safe, protected
120EnverdinLight of the faith
121EslemPeace, submission to God
122ElmirBrave, intelligent
123ErcümentPure, honest, clean
124EnserCalm, peaceful, quiet
125EmmerKind-hearted, merciful
126EydinMoonlight, bright, pure
127EmirhanRuler, king with strength
128ElhanBright, luminous
129EnvercanLight of the soul, radiance
130ErmenNoble, good-hearted
131EfdalMost exalted, highest
132ElmesPrecious, valuable
133EfsanBestow, beautiful soul
134EfsanurA bright soul, shining heart
135EymenBlessed, good-hearted
136EdvarGuarded by God, full of happiness
137ElifhanLeader, protector
138ElanurLight of the moon
139ErkanLeader, noble and virtuous
140ErsinPure, virtuous

This list contains 140 names, but I can add more if needed to reach . Let me know if you want me to continue!

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140 Muslim Boy Baby Names starting with E