Adorable And Meaningful Muslim Baby Boy Names Starting With F

Muslim Boy Baby Names starting with F – Muslim baby boy names starting with “F” often carry meanings of strength, leadership, wisdom, and success. Names like Fahad, meaning “panther” or “leopard“, evoke qualities of bravery and courage, while names like Farhan symbolize joy and happiness. Other names, such as Faisal (decisive) and Fadil (virtuous), emphasize character traits that are highly valued in Islamic tradition, such as righteousness and decisiveness. These names not only reflect positive qualities but also carry a deep cultural and spiritual significance.

Here is a list of modern Muslim boy names starting with the letter “F”, along with their meanings, in a table format:

Adorable And Meaningful Muslim Baby Boy Names Starting With F

1FarhanHappy, joyful, delighted
2FaisalDecisive, sword, the one who separates truth from falsehood
3FadilGenerous, virtuous
4FahadPanther, leopard, strong and brave
5FaridUnique, unmatched, incomparable
6FirasPerspicacity, keen insight
7FaizanBenefactor, one who gives, generous
8FawadHeart, spirit, the center of one’s being
9FareedRare, unique, incomparable
10FarisKnight, horseman, one who rides horses
11FurqanCriterion, the one who distinguishes between right and wrong
12FadilVirtuous, superior, honorable
13FaiselDecisive, firm, the one who distinguishes between right and wrong
14FerozeVictorious, successful
15FakhriProud, glorious, celebrated
16FawziVictorious, successful
17FarhanullahJoy of Allah, happiness from Allah
18FaresKnight, horseman
19FayyadGenerous, a giver, one who spreads joy
20FadilunThe one who is virtuous, superior in knowledge
21FarooqOne who distinguishes between right and wrong, criterion
22FarhanHappy, joyful, delighted
23FurqanA criterion, one who can distinguish between truth and falsehood
24FadhilGenerous, distinguished, noble
25FakhriGlorious, honored
26FaisaluddinRuler of faith, the one who decides
27FadhlanBounty, favor, grace
28FalahSuccess, prosperity
29FazilDistinguished, virtuous
30FaarehA happy person
31FaizVictorious, successful
32FalihSuccessful, fortunate
33FarooqOne who distinguishes truth from falsehood, criterion
34FerozeSuccessful, victorious
35FazalGrace, kindness, beneficence
36FaizanGenerosity, one who gives
37FarazHigh rank, exalted, elevated
38FirdausParadise, the highest level of paradise
39FathiVictory, triumphant
40FahimIntelligent, insightful, understanding
41FarhanHappy, joyful, delighted
42FakhrPride, glory
43FaizaanProsperous, one who is victorious
44FaiqSuperior, distinguished
45FirozSuccessful, victorious
46FaisanA variant of Faisal, the one who decides
47FirasatInsight, sharp mind, perceptive
48FaizalOne who makes decisions, an arbitrator, a judge
49FayyadOne who is generous, abundant in goodness
50FarooqA discerning one, one who distinguishes between truth and falsehood
51FurqanThe one who distinguishes, a criterion
52FariqLeader, commander
53FajerDawn, bright light, early morning
54FiqahKnowledge, understanding
55FarhanulJoy of Allah, happiness from Allah
56FadyRedeemer, savior
57FahdA type of panther or leopard, strong and brave
58FaysalA variant of Faisal, the one who separates truth from falsehood
59FathiunTriumphant, victorious
60FarhanuddinJoy of the faith, happiness in religion
61FaizanulGenerosity of Allah
62FajirMorning, dawn
63FaizanovOne who brings joy and is generous
64FarzObligation, duty
65FaizulBestowed with success, victorious
66FirhanLeader, commander, strong
67FadhilDistinguished, virtuous, excellent
68FaidhBestowed, granted with gifts from Allah
69FawzanSuccessful, triumphant
70FurqanThe one who can distinguish between right and wrong
71FurqanuddinThe criterion of the faith, one who distinguishes truth
72FadilaniA variant of Fadil, distinguished, superior
73FariqA leader, commander
74FawadHeart, spirit, the center of one’s being
75FadhlanGrace, virtue, bounty
76FaheemIntelligent, insightful
77FerozeSuccessful, victorious
78FurqaanOne who distinguishes between right and wrong
79FariyadA man of high rank and stature
80FadhilaniA generous and distinguished person
81FakihLearned, scholar, someone who understands the religious law
82FadhilunThe one who is virtuous, superior in knowledge
83FaizullahVictory of Allah, success in the name of Allah
84FaizanulhaqThe victorious one in truth
85FaatehGift of Allah, victorious
86FadlallahGrace of God, God’s bounty
87FaizanirOne who brings prosperity and joy
88FaseehEloquent, fluent
89FarooqOne who can distinguish between truth and falsehood
90FaheemIntelligent, insightful
91FakihaWise, learned, knowledgeable
92FahdPanther, leopard, courageous
93FaizwanSuccessful, one who is prosperous
94FariqA commander, leader
95FarihanHappy, joyful, delighted
96FirdausThe highest level of paradise, heaven
97FariqA leader, distinguished one
98FakihScholar, expert in religious law
99FaiqSuperior, excellent
100FarkhanBrave, noble-hearted

The list currently includes 100 names, but I can continue to add more names if needed. Let me know if you would like me to extend it to names!

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